Resources & Policies
University Policies & Resources
Workplace & Employee Support
- University Policy Library – A searchable hub for University policies that can be filtered by category.
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – Free and confidential counseling, legal, and financial assistance services for faculty and staff and their immediate families.
- Office of Institutional Equity – Serves as a centralized location for faculty, staff, and students to find appropriate resources, education, and training for preventing and reporting discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct.
- OIE & Title IX Policies and Procedures – Policies related to discrimination, harassment, and workplace equity.
- Ombuds Office Charter (PDF)
Conflict Resolution & Reporting
- Staff Grievance and Appeal Process – Formal channels for filing workplace grievances.
- Faculty Handbook – Policies and procedures for faculty members.
- The Design for Excellence (Code of Conduct) – Outlines our commitment to one another and our institution as we cultivate a professional environment that upholds this reputation of excellence in our work and research.
- Anonymous Reporting Hotline (Confidential) – A confidential way to report any known or suspected violations of laws or of Wake Forest University policies or regulations.
External Resources & Professional Standards
Ombuds & Conflict Resolution
- International Ombuds Association (IOA) – Professional guidelines, ethics, and best practices for ombuds offices.
- IOA Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice – The guiding principles for organizational ombuds.
- The Ombuds Role: Frequently Asked Questions – General information on how an ombuds can assist in workplace matters.
Legal & Workplace Rights
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) – Federal guidelines on workplace discrimination, harassment, and employee rights.
- National Conflict Resolution Center – Strategies and training for effective workplace conflict resolution.
Need More Information?
If you’re unsure where to start or which policy applies to your situation, the Ombuds Office is here to help. We can provide confidential guidance and direct you to the most appropriate resources for your concerns.